
Facts and Tips About Betta Fish

Facts and Tips About Betta Fish

Bettas are popular for small aquariums, but how much do you really know about these fantastic fish? Learning more about betta fish can help you decide they are right for you. About Bettas Betta fish (Betta splendens) are also called Siamese fighting fish for their native range and aggressive nature. Originally native to the Mekong River and its tributaries throughout Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia, these fish are adaptable and also live in rice paddies and drainage ditches. They can be invasive species that threaten native fish in other areas, however, and are not generally welcome in wild habitats outside...

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Everything You Need to Know About Your New Parakeet

Everything You Need to Know About Your New Parakeet

Parakeets are popular pets, but how much do you know about these beautiful birds? The more you know about your new parakeet, the better prepared you will be to help it have a long, happy, healthy life. What You Need To Know About Your Parakeet Parakeets can be very rewarding pets to own, and they make great companions. It is important to understand how to meet their needs, however, in order to give them a comfortable and healthy life and create a strong owner-parakeet bond you can both enjoy. PersonalityParakeets are social birds that require significant companionship. If you are...

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Flea & Tick Prevention Is Just As Important During The Winter Months

Flea & Tick Prevention Is Just As Important During The Winter Months

Many pet owners make the mistake of thinking that when winter begins, it is time for flea and tick prevention to end. This could not be further from the truth. Just because your pet will be spending more time indoors during the colder months doesn’t mean you stop. Fleas and ticks can threaten your pet’s health and your home year-round if allowed. Even in colder climates, leaving your pet exposed to the diseases and harm that fleas and ticks can cause exposes your pet to a variety of problems. Here is the reason why. Even though many fleas, flea larvae,...

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Doggy Danger: Beware of these Holiday Plants

Doggy Danger: Beware of these Holiday Plants

The Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas holiday trifecta is traditionally characterized by festive and sometimes flamboyant displays of decorations. While many of these decorations are considered benign to the health and safety of you and your family, you may want to consider how they affect your pets. Dogs are the most likely culprits of gobbling up a poisonous holiday plant, so its important to take certain precautions when decorating your home for the holidays. First, beware of the poinsettia. This vibrant green and red plant indigenous to Latin America is a timeless decoration in the holiday season that garnered attention in the past for...

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Before You Bring Home a Second Puppy

Before You Bring Home a Second Puppy

One puppy can quickly become a treasured member of the family, so wouldn't two be twice as nice? Not necessarily! There are many things dog owners need to consider to be sure a new puppy can have a wonderful life in their home without taking away from their first dog. Why Do You Want a New Puppy? Before choosing a new bundle of fur to bring home, it is important to understand why you want a new puppy. Do you miss the clumsiness and cuddliness of puppyhood? All dogs grow, and no matter how many puppies you may have, they...

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